
Prisoners No More

The disciples have locked themselves in an upper room for fear of the Jews. We know exactly where they’re at. We too are good at making prisons for ourselves. We make prisons where feelings of  inadequacy, apathy, guilt, pride or confusion rule our lives. We lock ourselves into debilitating patterns of behaviour where fear and other self-defeating traits become habit.

The disciples are behaving very much how we behave when we are facing difficulties. Then everything changes. Jesus comes amongst them and breathes the Holy Spirit into them. Suddenly a group of    frightened and inactive disciples begin to do amazing things. Suddenly they can reach out around the world regardless of language culture or race.

This isn’t just a story about something that happened a long time ago, it’s a promise. We each have a   component that fits into God’s greater picture. We each have a talent that lends itself to God’s purpose. Unlocking that talent is a daily challenge. How do we use our skills to best advantage? How do we knock down the barriers that prevent us reaching our true potential? Where do we look for direction, focus and discernment? How do we find courage, faith, energy and foresight? The answer to all these questions is the ‘Holy Spirit’. The same Holy Spirit that enables the early disciples liberates and empowers us. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence in our lives whenever we ask.