
The Jealousy Club

It’s human instinct to form groups, organisations, sects, clubs,  societies, associations, guilds, unions and fellowships. Being in a club is good. Clubs give us a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose. In a club we can draw strength from other like minded people; we benefit from mutual support, shared ideas and pooled resources. But being in a club is not without pitfalls. Within

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How Not To Impress God!

It’s easy to be fooled. Mr and Mrs Devout are always in church, always to be seen praying, always lighting  votives, always to be found kneeling in their favourite pew. Are Mr and Mrs Devout good people? Well very possibly, but outward appearances can be deceptive. Perhaps Mr and Mrs Devout are the salt of the earth, but not necessarily.   Despite their Sunday best, perhaps

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God Provides

As children we were fascinated by the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand. Like a circus audience trying to spot the mechanics behind a woman seemingly being sawn in half, we tried to spot the mechanics of Jesus’ miracles. As we grow in faith and maturity, we realise that the mechanics of Jesus’ miracles are not in question, more important is the lesson

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How To Deliver An Enduring Message

You've landed a job in a top marketing company. The managing director sets you your first task. You must take a message out into the world relying on nothing but your own devices. More importantly, you need to come up with a three-point strategy to unsure the message endures for at least the next two thousand years … in fact until the end of time.

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The Common Good

Today’s gospel is particularly relevant in a climate of war and divisive politics. In today’s gospel we find the people of Galilee trying to decide who Jesus is and the claims are clearly becoming divisive. There is a bit of a controversy going on where some think that Jesus has ‘Beelzebul in him’…. a name for Satan. The very idea seems alien to us since

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An Every Day Miracle

The Eucharist is an 'every-day miracle'. The trouble is that for many of us, the Eucharist has become so routine that we can easily fail to appreciate its true significance. If we really want to rekindle the wonderment of that weekly miracle, we have to start nurturing a life changing appreciation of the Eucharist and of the Mass. Key to appreciation is preparation. If the

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