
Calling Upon the Holy Spirit

Why do we keep rules? Probably to avoid penalties, punishment or adverse consequence! Rules are a necessary evil if we are to live in a well-ordered society. Commandments however are different from rules. Commandments are expressions of how we are to love each other. Perhaps we shouldn’t need commandments, perhaps we should know how to love each other intuitively, but sadly it seems we need a little guidance and a lot of help.

In today’s section of the gospel known as the ‘Farewell Discourse’. Jesus gives his disciples some final assurances. He tells them that although he will no longer be with them in the flesh, they will always abide in each other’s love. The disciples will have plenty of opportunity to express that love by keeping his commandments. In return Jesus will send them, and us, an advocate, a spirit of truth …. the Holy Spirit.

How easy life would be if Jesus had stayed with us in the flesh. All we would have to do is keep running to him for answers every time we got stuck. There wouldn’t be any great long debates on abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, stem cell research or anything else for that matter ….. we would simply send Jesus an email and twiddle our thumbs awaiting the answer. Because he knew that he could not stay with us in person, Jesus left us the Holy Spirit to take his place but how often do we call on the Spirit? We are good at thinking we can get through life under our own steam. Sometimes we can be opinionated, quite sure that we can work out all the answers for ourselves. Today we are reminded that the Holy Spirit is with us from our baptism and ready to be called   upon whenever we need direction or revelation. For most of us, that probably means a daily call.