
What Must We Do?

How many times are we shamed into saying, “I’ll never grumble again!” We watch children who have life threatening illnesses finding  something to smile about. We see families living in poverty, seemingly happy when they have every excuse to be deeply unhappy. We read about the men and women, who despite disability or overwhelming odds, adopt a positive   attitude and achieve great things. These people are living proof that happiness doesn’t come from  everything being right in our lives.

The third Sunday in Advent is traditionally known as Gaudete Sunday, Gaudete meaning to rejoice.   Rejoicing, exulting, being happy and singing for joy are the themes in today’s liturgy. But how are we to feel happy in a world where there isn’t much to feel happy about ……  what must we do?

John the Baptist gives us the answer,

“If anyone has two tunics,” he says, he must share with the man who has none.”

We have all experienced the joy of giving a gift……  the inner glow that comes with knowing we have bought someone exactly what they always wanted. We experience this same pleasure in sharing what we have with those who have nothing.

To the tax collector and the soldier John says, “Exact no more than your rate. Be content with your pay.”

What joy is there in gain if it’s at someone else’s expense? Do we really get any satisfaction at saving a couple of pence at the supermarket knowing it is at the expense of a third world farmer working for virtually nothing at all. At this season in particular we remember not to exploit those who work hard for little profit. We remember whilst doing our Christmas shopping to look for the ‘Fair Trade’ labels. If we are employers we remember not to make unreasonable demands in order to line our own pockets.

Most importantly this Christmas, we remember that happiness comes from being content with what we have.